The Pharisee And The Publican |
The Pharisee and the Publican. |
Now some the Saviour spake to there,
Were good in their own eyes,
Who look'd with scorn upon the poor,
And did their life despise.
He spake to these a Parable,
And said, There were two men,
One of them was a Pharisee,
And one a Publican,
Who went into the Temple once
To offer solemn prayer,
The one did show a haughty face,
The other shed a tear.
The one, he pray'd, "I thank Thee, God,
I'm not as other men,
I am not an extortioner,
Nor as this Publican."
The other did not dare so much
As lift his eyes to heaven,
But smote upon his breast and pray'd'
That he might be forgiven.
The Pharisee went to his house,
Elated with his pride;
The Publican turn'd towards his home,
The rather justified.
For those who do exalt themselves,
Shall feel humility;
But those who are abased on earth,
Shall high exalted be.
Now when you come to God in prayer,
Confess your every sin;
And if you humble are, He'll give
To you His love Divine. |