There also was a poor man laid, Down at the rich man's gate. |
There, was a certain rich man once
Who sumptuously did fare,
His form was clothed in purple fine
And costly linen rare.
There also was a poor man laid,
Down at the rich man's gate,
The crumbs that from the table fell
Were given him to eat.
It came to pass the poor man died,
And he was borne away,
In Abraham's bosom, to rejoice
In an eternal day.
And soon the rich man also died,
His death was one of gloom,
But he was robed in pomp, and laid
Within a costly tomb.
In hell he lifted up his eyes,
And seeing Abraham,
With Lazarus in his bosom, cried,
And call'd him by his name,
And said, "O! father Abraham,
I am with anguish wrung,
Send Lazarus, that with water, he
May cool my parched tongue."
But Abraham said, "Remember, son,
That thou hadst thy good things,
When thou didst live, and Lazarus
Had nought but evil things.
"And now he's comforted, and here
He shall forever live,
But thou art cast away and shall
Great pain and sorrow have.
"And there's the gulf impassable
'Tis placed 'twixt thee and me,
I cannot call thee out from thence,
Nor send him down to thee."
The rich man said, "I therefore pray
That thou wouldst Lazarus send,
Unto my brethren five at home,
To warn them of my end."
He answer'd, "No, they have the Law
And Prophets often read;
If they're not warn'd, they'll not believe
Though one rose from the dead."
How sad it is to live in sin,
And spend our fleeting breath
In vanity, so when God calls
We're unprepared for death.
Let us love God with all our hearts,
And lean upon his Word,
That after death we all may reign
Forever with the Lord. |