"Avenge me of mine enemy," She cried from day to day. |
He spake another Parable,
To show that men should pray
And never faint, but pray in faith,
And plead from day to day.
There was a judge, who fear'd not God,
Nor yet regarded man;
There came to him a widow poor,
His judgment to obtain.
"Avenge me of mine enemy,"
She cried from day to day;
And though he did not her regard,
Yet she did daily pray.
And soon he said within himself,
"Though I regard no man,
And fear not God, yet to her words
Resistance is in vain.
"For if she thus, with pleadings loud,
Besets my door each day,
Her coming soon will weary me,
I'll send her then away.
"I will at once grant her request,
And judge her enemy,
And then she will depart in peace,
And no more trouble me."
Now hear what the unjust judge saith;
And will not God regard
His children when to Him they cry,
Depending on His word?
He will regard their humble prayer
Their simplest, feeblest sigh,
And stooping down, will bless them from
His gracious Throne on high. |