He'll them divide; some on His right, Some on his left shall stand. |
The Son of Man - the Son of God,
Shall in His glory come
To judge the world, and then to bring
His faithful children home.
And when He comes, around His throne
Bright angels shall appear,
Who to their harps shall sing, while saints
The heavenly music hear.
All nations shall be gather'd there,
And with His waving hand,
He'll them divide; some on His right,
Some on his left shall stand.
Just as the shepherd doth divide
The sheep and goats apart;
The Saviour will divide the good
From those of evil heart.
Upon His right, the saints array'd
With robes of white shall stand;
The wicked, who refused His word,
Are placed on His left hand.
Then to the righteous He will say,
"Ye blessed children come,
Because ye have my will obey'd,
I'll bring you to my home,
"Which I prepared for you before
The spacious world was made;
Ye are my children, and shall be
With glory bright array'd."
But unto those on His left hand,
He'll say, "Depart from me,
I know ye not, ye always sin,
And do iniquity.
"Depart from me, ye cursed ones,
To everlasting fire,
Because ye did not keep my word,
Receive my vengeful ire,
"When I was hungry, and did ask
For bread, ye did deny;
When I was parch'd and sick and faint,
Ye then did pass me by.
"My children fed and clothed me too,
When I was sick and faint;
They came to me, and did with love
Supply my every want
"But ye refused me, and did mock
My little children too,
Now therefore hence, depart from me,
For ye I never knew."
God doth require of us to show
In deed as well as word,
To all around, that we indeed
Are children of the Lord,
By doing good to others' woes
Relieving their distress;
Supplying all their wants, and thus
Their heavy spirits bless.
And he hath promised, that if we
This kindness show to them,
He will our every act regard,
As kindness done to Him. |