The unmerciful servant. |
Once Peter said, "How oft shall I
My brother's sin forgive?
How oft shall I, if he confess,
His penitence receive?"
"Till seven times?" The Saviour said,
"This is the law of Heaven,
Thou shalt thy brother's sin forgive,
Till seventy times seven.
My kingdom, therefore, I will like
Unto a certain king,
Who said that he his servants all
To an account would bring.
The first who came was one who did
Ten thousand talents owe;
And when he could not pay his lord,
His heart was fill'd with wo."
The lord unto his servants said,
"This debt must now be paid,
Go sell his wife and children too,
Let payment now be made."
The debtor to his master came,
And at his feet did fall,
"Have patience with me, lord," he said,
"And I will pay thee all."
His heart was with compassion moved,
He freely did relieve
His heart of sorrow, for at once
He all the debt forgave.
This servant then went out and found,
One of his fellows near,
Who owed to him an hundred pence;
And spake to him severe.
He took him by the throat, and said,
"Now what thou owest, pay,
I'll wait no longer for the debt,
But it must have to-day."
This servant then with grief and wo,
Down at his feet did fall:
"My fellow servant, patience have,
And I will pay thee all."
He would not; but with hardness did
His own sad case forget;
His debtor into prison cast
Till he should pay the debt.
His fellow servants heard the tale,
And all with one accord,
To show his base ingratitude,
Came sorrowing to their lord.
And told him all the servant did;
And he was very wroth,
And to those present said, "Go call
The wicked servant forth."
He to him said, "Thou wicked one,
Did I not thee forgive
Ten thousand talents? Couldst not thou,
Thy fellow's debt relieve?
"Couldst thou not mercy show to him,
As I did show to thee,
Forgiving thee at once the debt,
As thou desiredst me?
Now therefore pay me all the debt,
I will not thee forgive,
Because thou didst not let him go,
And all his we relieve."
That mercy then that you would have,
You must to others show;
merciful and kind to all,
And you will mercy know. |