The lost sheep is found. |
The publicans and sinful poor,
Did come to Christ the Lord
When He was on the earth, that they
Might hear his gracious word.
The Scribes and Pharisees complained,
That He did these receive;
And murmur'd loud to all around,
And would not Him believe.
"This man receiveth sinful ones,
And talks and eats with them;"
When Jesus heard it, He did speak
This Parable to them:
If you should have an hundred sheep,
And one of them astray
Should go, would you not leave the rest,
And go out on your way,
To find the one that's lost, and bring
It on your shoulder home?
And when you've found it, you would say,
"Go, bid my neighbours come,
"That they may all rejoice with me,
For I have found that one
Of all my sheep, that left the fold,
And wander'd off alone."
"E'en so," said Jesus, "there is joy
In Heaven when sinners come;
The angels strike their harps anew,
And welcome sinners home." |