N A CERTAIN city there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared for man. And in the same city there was a widow that had an enemy, and he had done her an injury.
And she came to the judge and implored him, saying, "Give me justice; avenge me of my adversary."
But he would not.
Then the widow came to him every day and cried, "Give me justice;" but still he would not for a long while.
At last he became wearied of her constant cry, and he said within himself, "Though I fear not God nor care for man, yet, because this widow troubleth me with her complaint, I will avenge her; lest by her continual coming she weary me."
And Jesus said, "Hear what the unjust judge saith. And if he, who was an unjust judge and a wicked man, would grant the widow's petition, because she asked so often, will not God, who is good and just, give His children what is good and right for them? Shall not God avenge His own elect, which cry day and night unto Him, though He bear long with them?"
In this parable Jesus impressed upon his disciples the truth that, although great trials might come upon them, and their lives be in peril, yet they were not to lose faith in God, or be disappointed because their prayers were not answered at once.
They were to keep on praying; asking God for such things as were right, and trusting that He would preserve them amidst all their enemies; and in His own way make them to triumph over their foes. Whatever is best for His people, God will give them. He cares for the sparrows, and, even more, for those who love Him. THE END.